FRC harassment policy

Flaming River Arts is committed to providing a safe and welcoming convention experience for all persons. In accordance with this, we are dedicated to ensuring a harassment-free event for all. Flaming River Con has a zero-tolerance policy for harassing behavior, including but not limited to:

  • Stalking

  • Intimidation

  • Offensive verbal comments

  • Physical assault and/or battery

  • Harassing (including purposeful misgendering)

  • Non-consensual photography or recording

  • Sustained disruption of panels, signings or other events

  • Bathroom policing

  • Microaggressions

  • Inappropriate physical contact (Cosplay does not equal consent, and this includes touching costume pieces, accessories or hair.)

  • Unwelcome physical attention in relation to, but not limited to, the following:

    • Race

    • Color

    • National origin

    • Gender

    • Gender identity

    • Gender presentation

    • Sexual orientation

    • Age

    • Body size

    • Disability

    • Appearance

    • Religion

    • Citizenship

    • Pregnancy

All attendees, staff, volunteers, vendors, speakers, panelists and participants are held to this standard. And anyone experiencing or witnessing harassment is asked to report it to a volunteer, staff or security.

If necessary, we will contact local law enforcement, provide escort, offer a safe place or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to make sure they feel safe for the rest of the convention.